One Wish

Every student in the first grade at Anna’s school gets to write down 3 wishes. There is a lesson before they write about what a realistic wish would be for school, trips to Disneyland are discouraged. The first grade teachers then grant each student 1 wish. Such a beautiful idea.

Teacher for a day, student helper for the rest of the year, a pink chair to replace the regular school seating, pizza party, extra recess and an art holiday are all examples of the wishes that have been granted. Today was the art holiday, which basically means that the whole day is consumed by art lessons, and Anna’s teacher asked if I could come in and give an art lesson.

We did a continuous line drawing of an owl and they did such a great job. Watching and following along, all creating their own masterpiece. It was so much fun.

As the kids were busy coloring in their drawings I wrote Anna’s wish on the board and covered it with a piece of paper. Some noticed once I was done and the whispers began, “Anna has a wish on the board.”

Anna’s wish was the same wish that her teacher told me she wished for, a class picture of her and all her students, Anna included. She was away when the official class picture was taken. I put in a call to my favorite photographer and good friend, Nikki, and she came and granted their wish.

anna school pic

These students, Anna’s classmates, didn’t get a chance to spend a lot of time with her but they sure do love her. They keep her very present in their room and in their hearts. I am so blessed by each and every one of them.

This morning was beautiful, the sun was shining and God granted me my wish ~ peace and a fantastic morning spent with an amazing group of first graders and their teacher.

Photo taken by: Nicole Zena Photography
Photo taken by: Nicole Zena Photography

21 thoughts on “One Wish

  1. Oh Susan this post touched me so much. What wonderful photos. What a great idea by her classroom. What an amazing wish… Wow! Just wow!


  2. So happy it was a great day for you!!! Great news my sister n law in board an received a love rock on her porch today and I just screamed with excitement because I was so excited to tell her all about love rocks!!!!!


  3. I am SO excited that a class picture was taken WITH Mrs. Wilson! I was kinda bummed when I got their class photo and they had the sub. I see Moira’s flip-flops in that circle! 🙂 I’m sure Nikki did a great job. Thank you for your investment in our kids this year, Susan. It has been very healing for their little hearts. You are a blessing!


  4. One of Brady’s top 3 was to make more love rocks. I hope I can see full pictures sometime. They love you coming in – Brady’s face is just lighting up telling me about his day. Thanks for all the love you share with my kids!


    1. You will getting a full picture this week…they turned out really cute. Love your boy…so glad they were in the same class.


  5. This is one of my favorite posts. I always take a minute to read them when my email pings. As things get busy in daily life we often forget to stop and put down the electronics and just watch and enjoy the moments we have with our kids. You and Anna always had the brightest smiles when you picked her up from Elizabeth Perry. I love the class photo!!!


  6. Every school should grant wishes ! What a beautiful idea and how wonderful that you could be part of someone’s wish!


  7. SO beautiful Susan!!!! I’m in awe!! So grateful you are surrounded by such beautiful love and people!!! Love you so much!


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