
Busy ~ that is what I am right now. Filling Love Rock kit orders, working on resources for teachers to incorporate Love Rocks into their classrooms, figuring out the next steps in self-publishing a children’s book about Love Rocks and always working on funding and designing a beautiful park in honor of my girls ~ very busy!

This morning I was looking for something in a set of drawers I usually avoid. They are painful to go through and I know that if I start I won’t be able to stop.

I told myself it would be quick.


1. Everyone has done fun things with their friends. Think about some fun things that you have done with your friends. Tell a story about something fun you did with your friend.

Those were her instructions. Below was crafted a beautiful story, in 1st grade writing, about her best friend and how they love to swing at recess.


Count and record how many corners and sides each shape has.

I have a feeling she was going to take after her mom with her math skills. We both don’t like numbers very much.

There are stacks of papers from her years at pre-school, kindergarten and her first couple months of 1st grade. These papers, drawings and basically anything she wrote her name on are treasures to me. Treasures that unlock a sadness that I often try to avoid. It’s a sadness that consumes me.

As I stood in front of the dresser the tears started. I miss my girls so much and I want so badly to be prepping them for their first day of 2nd and 7th grade.

Busy ~ I’m busy so that I can manage the pain in my heart.

Anna's work


10 thoughts on “Busy

  1. Susan , I can’t imagine the pain that you and Tom feel daily. I want you to know that you have been a tower of strength not only to yourself and family but to so many others . How wonderful that you have her papers and stories to cherish! Sending aloha your way 🙂


  2. Psalm 34:18 (NIV)
    The Lord is close to the brokenhearted
    and saves those who are crushed in spirit.

    ❤ ❤ praying for you.


  3. My heart aches so much for you and Tom. I am glad that you have found a way to be ‘busy’ in a way that helps you get through each day. Love, Hugs and Prayers…………..Always!


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