Happiness Journal

God's Love Rocks

This week a man knocked at my door – he was holding a grocery bag, was wearing a large brimmed hat and had a wonderful beard.

“Hi,” he said as I wrestled to get the door shut behind me, saving him from a Linus attack.

“Hi, can I help you?”

He reached into the bag and pulled out a rock, it was in the shape of a heart.

He then shared with me about an older gentleman, a friend of his who lived at the coast, who would walk every day with his dog along the beach, finding heart-shaped rocks. He would then take them to his wife, who was ill and homebound. The rocks were for her – a token of love.

The man at the door then went on to say that his friend’s wife had gone to Heaven and, after hearing about Anna and Abigail, he wanted us to have all of the rocks he had collected for her.

He handed me the rock he had pulled out of the bag, indeed it was a heart and there were hundreds more.

We exchanged hugs and I told him to pass along how grateful I was to have such treasures.

He left and I stood inside the door holding a grocery bag full of love, tears streaming down my face.

These past few weeks have been hard. Last year at this time I had no idea what was going to happen on October 20th, this year I know exactly what happens on that day.

It’s moments like these though that make my heart happy. I am so grateful for these two gentleman, the messenger and the giver, for their kindness.

One day these rocks will be placed at Anna and Abby’s Yard. They will be in honor of a loving couple I’ve never met. I will be honored to place them there.

I’m looking forward to that day!

Linus and Rocks
Linus is obsessed with these rocks….he was sitting patiently while I was taking the picture thinking maybe I would let him play with one.

19 thoughts on “Happiness Journal

  1. What a beautiful story. I always have to time my readings of Love Drenched Life carefully because there are typically a few tears. Thank so so much.

    I am blessed to be helping share Joy and Love with you. In the past week I have given Love Rocks to people who are traveling to Scotland Ireland, Paris and added today – Mexico!


  2. Oh my word…what a wonderful, considerate gesture for this man to honor you with! Tears are streaming down my cheeks right now. I am speechless that a stranger would do such a wonderful thing. I don’t know you, but every time I read your blog, I can just feel what an open and loving person you are. You shouldn’t have to live with such a hole in your heart…it’s just not fair.


  3. I am touched every time I read another update from you. We will be passing through Forest Grove today. I’d love to make a stop at the girls’ tree and leave a few love rocks. You are an ispiration. Your strength is truly admirable. Thank you for sharing your journey. ((hugs))


  4. PLEASE write a book. Your blog is life changing to all of us who follow it and I think a book would reach more people, change more hearts.


  5. I just can’t read any of your posts without my heart warming and tears coming. I have a heart shaped rock one of my residents gave me when we were doing love rocks. He found it outside and thought I would like it. I love it so much that I took it home to remember him by. Someday I will put a blue fuzzy heart on it and pass it on, but for now it sits in my kitchen window and makes me smile every morning.


  6. This takes my breath away–as in trying to type a comment to your amazing blog entry through the tears! I’ve been thinking so much of your beautiful family as the weather turns toward fall. There are hearts all around you, Tom and your girls, all beating with love.


  7. That is such a cool story! I have had a “heart rock” collection my whole life- not sure where it is now, but this makes me want to find it and share it with you! You are an inspiration to so many, Susan. Continuing to pray for you daily, especially in this season.


  8. This so beautiful Susan. There is no doubt in my mind and heart that Anna and Abigail with quidance from God are giving us such beautiful signs that they are ok and are helping you, Tom and all their family and friends through this very difficult time. They are with you every step of this journey.
    All the wonderful stories, the timing of the upcoming events in your life, the love and joy being spread all over the world, strangers on your doorstep with beautiful gifts, and your ability to share this with all of us are not just coincidences, they are heavenly gifts to us and they give me such a wonderful sense of peace. We are so blessed. Love you 💖


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