Happiness Journal

Last night I woke up and couldn’t get back to sleep. I miss my girls.

I decided, after an hour of prayer, what I needed was something to hold on to. I reached under my pillow and pulled out Honey, Anna’s favorite blanket. I wrapped my arms around it tightly and held it to my face.

I fell back to sleep.

This morning Alice was playing as I was getting ready for our day. I could hear her talking with her sister’s babies. She is such a good little Aunt. I walked quietly into her room not to disturb her world and found her wrapping Baby Mary in Honey, just like Anna used to do.

She looked up and smiled.

Alice holding her big sister’s blanket ~ that is what makes my heart happy today!

alice honey

5 thoughts on “Happiness Journal

  1. love reading your stories. even under everything that you have gone through, you still find the happy moments. (definitely made me cry) i strive to be like you with your strength and the love you share everyday.


  2. This brought a smile to my face!!! Such a beautiful happy little girl who loves her sisters and their babies and keeps their memories alive!!!💕❤️💕


  3. Reading this feeling warm and cuddling thinking about the power of a piece of perfect blanket and the love and connection you have with all of your girls.

    Much love to you this Christmas season Shannon


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