Abigail’s Speech

When Tom and I got married Abigail wanted to make a speech. She worked and worked on the right words to say and when the time came she stood in front of us, and all of our guests and said these words.

These two young people have come together forever and today is their special day. This day, their special day, is the one day in my life I will always remember. This day is called their wedding day. This wedding day is not plain and normal, it’s the one day that these two people come together and share their love. I am only 9 years old and I really don’t know much about this but I do know that my Dad and Susan will be the greatest couple ever. Susan, Daddy, Emily, Anna, Ben and I will live happily ever after. Happy Wedding Day!

How blessed am I to have had this sweet girl in my life. I love that she called us young people and I love that she knew that we would be the greatest couple ever.

As Tom and I try to figure out this journey and work at ways to strengthen our lives together I’m glad I have these little gifts to reflect back on. I’m glad that Abigail was so brave to share her heart on our wedding day and I’m glad I found her speech tucked away in a special spot.

Today, as the sun is shining and the birds are chirping outside my window, I’m going to choose joy and allow my heart to be filled with love. This week has been difficult for our community but in any difficult circumstances there is a choice. You can dwell in the negative and turn your back to God asking “why me/us” or you can open your heart and allow God to strengthen your soul. I will continue to open my heart and allow God to strengthen me and I encourage those around me to do the same. He will show up I promise.

We will live happily ever after, just like Abigail said.


abs speech abs speech 2 abs hug


9 thoughts on “Abigail’s Speech

  1. A beautiful story and beautiful pictures! And you and Tom ARE young!!! Thank you for sharing … It is amazing to me how your girls continue to brighten our lives. Thank you!!


  2. Abigail’s speech is my favorite part of your wedding. I fell in love with her that day because of this speech. It was so genuine and honest and way beyond her years. She is such a blessing. I am happy you have this. Love to you and Tom.


  3. That is the absolute BEST and just what I needed to read today. You always have a way of doing that. Love that girl and so glad you brought her into our lives!


  4. What a fantastic gift Abigail gave you and Tom on your wedding day. Very eloquent for a 9 year old. Love, Hugs and Prayers……….Always.


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