Watching over the Girls

I have started a blog post four times this morning and have found that I am at a loss for words. I have so much going on in my head and in life that I’m finding it really hard to sort it all out. So I’ve decided that I’m going to post a picture today instead.

This month my old guy would be 14 years old. Sampson was my constant companion for so many years and when I used to think about the day he would go to Heaven I would get sick to my stomach, couldn’t imagine my life without him. I know now that he has a more important job in Heaven than he ever did here on earth. His new job is to watch over Anna and Abigail, to enjoy the splendor of paradise and to chase hundreds of tennis balls and never get tired. My old dog is with my girls and for that I am grateful.

So instead of trying to sort out all that I’m feeling today I’m going to spend some time and remember all of the unconditional love that my big old lab gave me and the rest of my family.

So much Love!

anna and sampson

9 thoughts on “Watching over the Girls

  1. Sorry you are having a hard day ; (….from a distance, what I see is that you are the queen of turning lemons into lemonade….so I am sure today, (although incredibly challenging, like every day separated from your girls and Sampson) you were wearing a smile at some point….who couldn’t when looking at your beautiful collection of photos ♥ hugs, my friend:)


  2. You couldn’t ask for a better guardian for your girls! I know he must miss you a lot too. Love you lots.


  3. Labradors are the most loving, caring, special dogs in the world. I can only imagine how difficult it was to lose Sampson, especially so soon after the loss of your girls. I think you are right that he left the world so that he could protect your girls in Heaven. My daughter was very sick 2 years ago and our 16 year old Lab hung around until she knew my daughter was out of the hospital and going to be OK. She passed away 2 months after our daughter got out of the hospital and was stabilized at home. I hope Linus is able to fill your void.


    1. Linus is definitely keeping us busy and showing us a lot of love Meg. Sampson was my soul dog and I really don’t think I’ll ever experience that again.


  4. I love that photo! I hope this also means your body is feeling better about being at your desk. Sending love. Lots of love.


    1. Shannon…Unfortunately I’m still not feeling like I’m sitting right at my desk. I’ll get it figured out sooner or later. Thanks for the love…sending lots of love back to you!


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